I was just mucking around and made a real simple solution for the Niseko Linked In Group since we didn’t have one. Check the group out here and join if you feel it be worth while.
Thought that it would be good to test Type Kit as lots of people in the past have wanted to have a non web compliant font on their website! Well now you can and for free to test, so head over to typekit or contact us to get different fonts on your page.
I tested “orgovan-rounded-web” and and I experimented with using the CSS selectors and also using CSS rules in the style sheet to play around with setting the size of the font. Also notice the little badge down there that you have to have if you use the free account.
All in all the process was fairly painless once I worked out that you need to use both font-family values otherwise you may end up with a bit of a mess, like this “Hickle-Dee-Pickle-Dee”*) :)HAVE FUN!
Data or Performance Driven Design
As more and more web designers adoptĀ web standards for making web sites and web standards come the norm across the industry the focus of web design development will turn more to Data or Performance based design. Check out Luke Stevens interview on Data Driven Design. Definitely worth a read for web designers and for someone looking at hiring a web professional.